AIR Plus Inc.
Phone: (405) 618-2247
License Number: 146414
Air-Conditioning Installation and Repair – Heating & Cooling Services

Heating and Cooling Services/Companies Near Me!

Locally owned and operated! Near me! Close by!

Are these companies really part of the community?

Ever conducted a search online for A/C Repair or for Heating and Cooling Services and find all the ad’s pop up first and then the local listings. Those companies ad’s that pop up first may be 20 or 30 miles away from your location and take additional time to get you when in need of a quick repair or resolution. And they may not really contribute to the local economy or community.

That’s why we here at A.I.R. Plus Inc. keep our service radius to 8 miles or less from our home base shops. This allows us the ability to respond quicker and to serve those in the immediate vicinity quicker and easier. Which makes for better business and more importantly better relationships with our customers and our communities.

So shop local, please!

Local Customers are most important!

