AIR Plus Inc.
Phone: (405) 618-2247
License Number: 146414
Air-Conditioning Installation and Repair – Heating & Cooling Services

Free Estimates or Quotes for Heating and Cooling Equipment

What does it mean to receive a free estimate or quote on heating and cooling equipment replacement?

It means that you should expect a person or a representative from the HVAC Contracting business, offering the free estimate,  to come to your home or business and review your existing Heating or Cooling Equipment set-up. take measurements and pictures, ask questions about previous comfort issues or concerns, review duct work condition, review insulation values in the attic and else where, review window condition and age, and perform at least simple load calculation to determine the capacity of the new system, and then and only then offer a detailed free estimate for the cost of the equipment and labor to install it.

The estimate should be detailed with equipment model #’s and energy efficiency rating, include manufacturers website for product features and benefits for comparison, warranty time frames and conditions for equipment,  detailed list of accessories and supplies that will be included in the system installation, detailed labor information that will include labor warranty time frames. And a clear and understandable Total Dollar Amount for the entire Heating and Cooling System.

And to be this detailed with the Free Estimate the Contractor or person representing the Contractor should offer to email you a copy or give you a copy in person only after all these steps have been followed.

Buying decisions “Do’s” to keep in mind: 

Do not make a rash or hurried decision. This can happen quite often if the summer heat or winter cold is bearing down on your decision and your comfort level. Find ways to overcome the temporary state of being without heat or cooling.

Do ask for a copy of all estimates or contracts, with signatures and specific dates.

Do ask for financing options, every quality contractor will have a source for financing. You may not qualify or like the terms, but at least ask.

Do ask for specific time frames for the installation to be completed.

Do expect your HVAC Contractor to register your Heating and Cooling Equipment warranty. Expect the contractor to forward you a copy of the registration via email or regular mail once the installation is complete.  

Do not pay down 50% up front for the system to be installed, if the contractor needs money to buy equipment or supplies, you have the wrong contractor. 

Do expect all of this and more when you request a Free Estimate or Quote from A.I.R. Plus.  Call or Text us today at 405-618-2247 for a detailed estimate or visit our website at



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