Air Flow Restriction – Loose Insulation inside the air duct system or plenum-causing air flow problems in Cooling or Heating System.
What can cause an air flow restriction in your air-conditioning or heating system? The most common reason is a dirty or clogged air filter. The next most common reason is aging air duct work and or lack of knowledge. For example: air duct dampers are installed in the duct work system and the new home owner or business owner is not aware of them, flexible duct pipe has sagged and now has a kink in the run, there is another air filter in the system up in the attic (double filtering), the evaporator coil is older and has never been cleaned, etc.
Or it could be a unwanted object restricting the air flow in the duct work system that is causing poor air flow into the home or a particular room. See the attached picture – this is a good example of an older system that has experienced a problem with the glue that holds the insulation to the side of the sheet metal plenum, when the glue ages it will allow the insulation to come loose and then restrict the air flow. And ultimately your Cooling/Heating or A/C system works harder to keep you comfortable!
So if you have concerns about the amount of air flow in your home or business, call A.I.R. Plus today for an inspection.
Phone 405-618-2247 or 405-618-2AIR or go to airokc.com to set-up an appointment .
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May God bless you and yours!