Flexible Duct Piping has been commonly used for over 30 years in residential and commercial HVAC applications and in ductwork setups. However, just like most man made things – they wear out and break down and are no longer doing what they were originally designed to do!
If you see duct work piping in your home or business, that looks like the attached pictures. You are wasting money in heating or cooling the space the duct work is set-up in.
When you have your Heating and Cooling System serviced and or replaced, make a point to ask your HVAC Contractor what the condition of your duct work is and to provide pictures. You maybe surprised at the condition, especially if its over 20 years old!
Call 405-618-2247 and allow us to give you an evaluation of your Duct Work System. We will give you information, feedback and suggestions for resolution of your comfort concerns and energy efficiency. Or go to airokc.com for additional information.