AIR Plus Inc.
Phone: (405) 618-2247
License Number: 146414
Air-Conditioning Installation and Repair – Heating & Cooling Services

Christ Centered Business –

Online Directories


A.I.R is proud to be a listing partner with!

As a Christ Centered business we are happy to see a publisher like Integrity Publishing Solutions put together an advertising vehicle that connects “Christians with Christian Businesses”.

The following information was taken from the Christian Business Phone Book website:

Why should I use the Christian Business Phone Book instead of the “generic” yellow pages?

As Christians, we should all support other Christian businesses. Galatians 6:10 teaches us that “Whenever possible do good to all people, but especially to those in the family of believers.” Bottom line….dollars spent with a Christian based business goes back to serving the Lord through tithes, offerings, missions, etc.

All we can say is, Amen!

Christians supporting Christians is not a new value, but an original value to all believers.

Check out the online directory and our ad by clicking on this link.

Remember if You Need AIR, Call 618-2AIR today!
