Doing Life is tough! Doing life and dealing with all the small, but important issues is tough as well, including your Heating and Air Conditioning needs!
I’ve been asked recently about the bibical verse posted on the A.I.R. website, business cards, advertisement and service van and wanted to take a moment to explain it’s purpose.
As a Christian and follower of Christ I wanted to share my faith and values openly, inside and outside the business. The verse John 14:1 says “Do not let you hearts be troubled, trust in God and me also.” From the beginning of my desire to own and operate a business I knew it would only be successful if the Lord himself wanted it to be. And I would have to trust him no matter what with the outcome.
Also, I’m an American Patriot! When we say “In God we Trust!” I believe this country was founded on just that! That is, the Trust of the Lord himself! Our founding fathers and those that framed the constitution stepped out on faith and the trust they had in God! Not the trust in their own abilties, but in the faith and trust in their God!
I know the business itself is a blessing from God! And I know that when we do business with any of our customers it is blessing to serve you and blessing to our family from God!
And in Him and only Him do I/ we Trust!
God Bless You and America!
Gary J. Collins